Monday, May 3, 2010

Progress Report

I've learned a lot from doing this project as it incorporated a lot of elements I've never used before, primarily implementing dynamics.
Dynamics were, admittedly, very hard to wrap my mind around at first glance. However, after hours of experimentation, I've reached a better understanding of their concept as well as how powerful their application can be. They really gave the pin a realistic spin and feel.
I was also happy that I could bring my other skill (video editing, after effects) into play. I see myself combining multiple applications and techniques as it was an enjoyable experience.
One area that I do believe needs work is the texturing of the wood. No matter how much I played with it, I couldn't get it to look exactly how I wanted. There is also some clipping issues that need to be fixed, but I'm not sure how to do that.

Production Log

April 20th, 2010

- Initial idea drafted
- Storyboard created

April 23rd, 2010

- Initial run (Dynamic experimentation)

April 25th, 2010

- Scene one finished
- Scene two started

April 28th,2010

- Scene two finished
- Scene three started
- Scene three finished

May 1st. 2010

- Editing starts
- Editing finished
- Post-production starts

May 3rd, 2010

- Post-production finished
- Blog updated


Final Project Proposal

My final project will be a continuation of my midterm, but I will replace ALL of the key frames with Dynamics. For times sake, I will remove the character animation for the PushPin, but will use After Effects to "give it life".

My goal is a mastery of dynamics while also weaving a storyline.